About Us
A platform for the meaningful representation of talent at a national level, for young and rising singers. This yearly festival aims to create harmony amongst gifted individuals, bringing them together from all over the country to showcase their talent in music.

Music Genres



Eligible Ages
A student must be between 12-16 years of age by Dec 2023 (born between Jan 01, 2008 and Dec 31, 2011, both days inclusive) to be eligible to participate.
Specifications for
Online Submissions

Students may select an English, Urdu or Regional song
The submission recording of the song to be uploaded should not be less than a minute and longer than 3 minutes.
The submission should not be more than (500/MB)
Participants can choose any one genre from the given choices that suits their vocal quality
Only Solo entries will be allowed. There will be no group singing
Only clear Audio/Video entries will be admitted for the first level of online adjudication
Choose your audition song carefully. Any submission with inappropriate lyrics can be disqualified
- Participants not falling into the prescribed age category will be disqualified
Participants must be mindful of the following guidelines for making valid entries:
Interested students will register using their beaconite IDs only
Participants can use pre-recorded music tracks or live keyboards
For Urdu songs, only Pakistani songs will be allowed
Each genre carries the same weightage, i.e. 25 marks. Participants must understand the judging criteria before sharing entries, which are as follows:
- Quality of Tone
- Technique
- Performance
- Musicianship
- Enunciation and diction
In the first stage, the online entries will be adjudicated by external professional musicians to select finalists
Participants will be allowed to submit their audition tape up to three times. Each new entry will overlap the last entry. Judges will select/reject the entries based on their most recent submission
Results of the first stage will be shared with the participants on their beaconite email ID

Guidelines for the Finale
The participant’s performance on the stage will be 5 minutes or under
Prior to the finale, students must share the link to the song they will be performing (the deadline will be shared via email, website, and social media pages)
Pre-recorded music like karaoke tracks will not be allowed
The participant’s performance on the stage will be 5 minutes or under
Pre-recorded music like karaoke tracks will not be allowed
Participants will be judged on the following criteria:
Musicianship: Music Selection, Effective use of Stage and Performance Area, Style
Stage Performance: The aura that a participant emits matters; confidence on stage is critical
Quality of Tone: How well the performer can express the meaning and mood of the song
Technique: Tone Quality, Breath Support, Intonation, Diction and Articulation
Enunciation and Diction: Enunciation is the act of pronouncing words, while diction is the style of enunciation in speaking or in singing

Prior to the finale, students must share the link to the song they will be performing (the deadline will be shared via email, website, and social media pages)
In case of any disruption due to technical reasons, the participant will be allowed another attempt
The winner will also be considered for BISC Idol finale being held in Thailand. Further details will be shared as interested student will be required to bear half the cost of the international trip.
Details of the finale will be shared closer to the event
In case of any disruption due to technical reasons, the participant will be allowed another attempt
Participants will be judged on the following criteria:
Musicianship: Music Selection, Effective use of Stage and Performance Area, Style
Stage Performance: The aura that a participant emits matters; confidence on stage is critical
Quality of Tone: How well the performer can express the meaning and mood of the song
Technique: Tone Quality, Breath Support, Intonation, Diction and Articulation
Enunciation and Diction: Enunciation is the act of pronouncing words, while diction is the style of enunciation in speaking or in singing
The winners will also be considered for BISC Idol finale being held in Thailand. Further details will be shared as interested students will be required to bear half the cost of the international trip
Details of the finale will be shared closer to the event
Icon 2019

Romaisa Tariq
Bss Icon Winner 2019

Our Judges - 2019

Amanat Ali
Bss Icon Award Judge

Hadiqa Kiyani
Bss Icon Award Judge

Meekal Hassan
Bss Icon Award Judge
Contact Us

Contact Details
10-11 Gurumangat Rd, Industrial Area Industrial Plots, Lahore, Punjab 54000, Pakistan